Tuk or Die: we did one of those

Riding a motorcycle to Tuktoyaktuk is not as deadly as attempting to summit Mount Everest. It is, however, not without peril. Only so many riders attempt the Tuk run every year, and every year a few die trying, and more get hurt and/or wreck their motorcycles. We did not die. WHERE IS TUK? Tuktoyaktuk (“Tuk” […]

COVID: How much to vaccinate the world?

Depending on what you mean, the answer is somewhere between $100 billion and $500 billion in the currency of the realm (USD; which I will use throughout this article). The question came up, again, because of discussion about whether there should be a waiver on allowing manufacture of the various vaccines without paying anything. Typically, […]

Let’s Fix Your Zoom Audio

[This is a lightly edited version of a Twitter thread I posted in November 2020] Even after a year of it, your videoconference audio is still bad. If you don’t realize this, it’s definitely bad. Fortunately, it’s easier to fix than you’d think. First, and most important: USE HEADPHONES. This makes an enormous difference to […]

Fork Failure Fun

A friend had an aluminum fork fail not too long ago, and let me take a look at the bits to analyze, so I thought I’d share it with you. This fork failure was likely very typical, but it had some fun surprises. The fork in question is a name-brand all-aluminum cyclocross fork. Sized for […]

The Hierarchy of Christmas-Related Movies

[This was published on the old site on Christmas Eve, 2010. I am republishing it for the benefit of many -RjC] So the standard question is “What’s your favorite Christmas movie?” My standard answer was Die Hard until it became In Bruges which I like much more. These responses are funny because they’re not really Christmas movies in the […]

An Advent Calendar of Christmas Movies

OK, these are “Christmas” only by a loose definition in some cases, and they’re also sometimes not “movies”. But you can watch them on the audiovisual display system of your choice. Without further explanation, this eccentrically curated list was created by your author and The Lovely Rebecca, and has been arranged with some deliberation. Not […]